well, im officially single once again, after holding on for four month going to be five month, it just go this way. i knew that i shouldn't be sad if i choose to leave, but i couldn't control myself, my tears simply just roll down, every words he said made me wonder for so long, anyway, this torture finally come to an stop, i no longer need to feel that i have a boyf thn to think i dont feel like having one.
Jensabella is been in and out of NUH since end of May, first was a gastric flu, and less than a week admited again, she got herself burn like th whole right hand and body, it hurt so badly that i can't control th pain at all. she simply just too naughty that i dont knw what to do to her, if she never pull down th table cloth nothing would happen to her, if that china bitch dont put th soup near th edge of th table bella would be fine isn't it. ):

i guess i have to end my post here, and get back to work :D bye people. im sorry i neglected this blog (:
i thought you knw,
im too weak to handle this fragile heart.
trust NO MEN.
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