It has been more thn 4 month since I last blog. I dont knw why, but randomly I just have th urge to start blogging again, partly why I stop blogging is because I am kinda of busy with work, during my day & of cause my night job too. I think I did mention it on my last post that I started working in a pub located at Boatquay. Well, anyw it isn't important now. Cause currently I've stopp-ed working there, been drinking too much for th past few month, or infact th past one year? I guess is time to really stop drinking? And infact live a normal life, instead of getting my body to be weaker, and tired everyday :)

What should I start posting about, let's talk about Jensabella first. She is in her 18months now, infact turning 19month soon. Time fly like really fast, it seem like I just give birth to her, but th fact is she grow too fast, she walk, she run, she even know how to call me now :) which is th most happiest part, but she is rather naughty, infact out of control? Guess she was spoil by my grandma and of cause my parents, so she isn't afraid of anything, a stubborn baby, no matter what she want, she gets so is obvious, she's a spoil brat. Didn't manage to put her to childcare still, as it was really full, so well got to continue stressing my mum to takecare of her, and give her monthly allowace/salary. -.-"

The guy on th above pic, is my current boyf. Well, was with him for almost two month going to three. Not a bad boyf after all. I knew him during work inside Amber21, one of my so called regular customer there. I should say I knew who he was before hand, as he work at Bugis Street before, and is like few shop away from mine, so we did see each other just that we didn't talk, till there's this day, it happens that he drop by my pub to chill, I guess this is how fate brought us together?
Relationship for now, is still going on well. Start of it was a lil bit tougher, too much too say, and I dont think there is a need to. But to cut it short, I shall say that his ex-girlf assume that I was actually th thirdparty. I wasn't their third party, neither am I th cause of their break up, maybe is, maybe not. But for what I know is my boyf told me, th reason for leaving her, is because he no longer have feeling for her. Though I didn't knw who to really trust, but at least now for th moment th relationship wasn't as bad as how I actually thought (:
I love him, and definitely I'm praying that this relationship will last :) cause I am afraid of another fail relationship, or another roller coaster.
As for friends, we drifted so far apart ever since everyone changes job. But we are still in contact, still meet up for drinking session, chilling session or even shopping tgt. So it wasn't that bad, just that we had lesser time to really relate problem to one another. Though I miss th past when th group of us were really close.
You took my love,
I thought that I was th only one..
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