She's was brought to this earth on 18'Oct. It wasn't that easy as I thought. Well, I thought that it will be just like how I've my first girl. But, I was totally so wrong. Jensabella's arrival was via GA(Sleep during operation) while Vensabell's was a epidural spinal(Awake during operation, in another word numb only half body). I didn't know it will be this tough though. Let's turn back th time to 18'Oct.
K. babyloves was with me throughout th whole section. The day before operation, I was so excited that I cant really get a good slp, while my babyloves is alrdy in his lalaland? Kinda sad, cos he didn't show me th excitement? Or mayb he is too tired after work. Well, woke up at 4A.M and didn't manage to get back to sleep, waited till 6A.M get myself bath and prepare everything, while babyloves still sleeping, till 6.30A.M when to wake him up and ask him to get himself prepare. After everything done, call-ed for a cab, as it was Thursday morning, and I guess there will be a jam? And at th same time will be hard to get a cab. So taxi has come at ard 7A.M and I remember th plate number, cos it was Jensabella's birth weight, 3330.
While on the way there,babyloves sleep in th cab again. He seem like a thousand years never sleep right. LOLS, during th journey I was wondering how Vensabell's going to look like, hoping to have a smooth delivery and blad blad blad. Reach NUH, was wondering where is their Day Surgery Center, as I didn't go there before, ask people there, and finally we are there. Done the registration and stuff, get myself changed and waiting for my turn to come...

Finally, after waited for about 2hours? I am pushed in to the operation room, on my way in, I actually planned to go for a GA, instead of a epidural spinal, as I'm still afraid, and couldn't overcome myself. Before going in to the operation room, th doctor came and talk to me, and asked me which one would I choose, GA or spinal. She told me that GA will affect baby inside, as medication will be going in, while spinal would be highly recommended, and at the same time my babyloves will be able to go in and see th whole operation.
K, so in th end I choose spinal, as I would want babyloves to experience how it is like to be in there, and how much pain I am going to go through. In to the operation room, they started to drip me, and plugged in urine tube, and of cos the spinal injection which is damn painful and that's what I dislike th most. Aft that, I am lying down there, waiting for babyloves to enter. Was so afraid at that moment, and even asked th doctor if they could put me to sleep. Well, is too late of cos. At that point I was so afraid that I feel like crying out, and finally babyloves is here with me alrdy. I saw him and the operation is starting, I was so scared, that I cried. Even talking back now, make me wanna cry. The feeling was so scary.
During th operation, babyloves held my hand throughout, and I remember I felt so breathless at one moment, having difficulty to breath an also the urge of vomiting, is like killing me, as if I am going to die at any minutes. So babyloves was beside me telling how th operation was like, and stuff. And finally, Vensabell is out, but I didn't manage to see her, as I was so weak that I could really move. So, after Vensabell's is out, doctor decided to put me to sleep, as I was so weak, I remember before getting into sleep, they are stitching me alrdy, and then, babyloves has to go out. I did hear Vensabell's first cry, she arrived to the world at 11.45AM. And so, I was into deep sleep till 1P.M.
Finally I am awake, and hoping to see Vensabell so much, I was alone in the recovery room, till like 3.30PM? No bed in th ward, and I have to wait, and wait. During the time in recovery room, I was told that Vensabell was in ICU due to difficulty breathing, got me so worry that I wish I could see her straight away. But I can't, as I am not able to walk till th next day.
So when I am in th ward, my parents are here, together with my sis, and bro-inlaw. Of cos, with Jensabella too, ohya. Even my grandma was here. So I only manage to see Vensabell photo. Hoping she will be fine, everyone say she look like me? Thus I feel she look more like babyloves.
During my stay, babyloves is there with me, except for th first night, as he couldn't stay there with me ): so I was alone th first night, crying and praying hoping that Vensabell is going to be alright, and yes. God answer to my prayer, and went to see her th next day, she was in a stable condition, and was hoping she will discharge together with me, on my birthday. And, well she manage to. Giving birth to her was not easy, but I manage to.
Now what got me worried was my unheal scar. Is so painful even until now, and is so ugly that makes me feel like crying whenever looking at it. Today babyloves isn't with me, wanna him to have a good rest, as he will be working all th way till Sunday, it will be dead tired. Can't wait for Sunday night to have him with me.
During this past week, really thankful to have babyloves and my mom to help me up so much. If not I wouldn't know how to handle all this. Especially the naughty Jensabella's who need more care and attention now. Guess, that's about all. Time for bed.

Night people! (:
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